Privacy Notice - Green Halo

Green Halo Partnership

Privacy Notice

The New Forest National Park Authority (NPA) is the catalyst for the Green Halo Partnership, providing facilitation, and administrative support. This includes holding contact information, circulating papers and news and arranging events for members of the Partnership and other interested parties.

If we hold your information in connection with the Partnership or its projects we will hold it securely and will not share it with third parties (other than Mail Chimp, which manages our e-newsletters), unless we are required to do so by law or it would otherwise be fair or lawful to do so. We will delete your information from our database once you leave the Partnership or if you request us to do so.

If you are not happy for us to hold and use your information in this way, you can let us know at any time (by email to rachael.bowen@newforestnpa.gov.uk, phone to 01590 646632, or by post to Rachael Bowen at the NPA’s offices at Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington, SO4 9ZG). At that time if your organisation wishes to continue to be involved in the Partnership we will need to obtain alternative contact details.

Should you wish to find out more about your information rights (including the rights to access, request the deletion of, or amend your data), and how we hold your information please contact Jo Murphy, Information and Data Protection Officer, at dpo@newforestnpa.gov.uk. You can also find out more from Mrs Murphy about the legal basis on which we process your data under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and view the NPA’s Privacy notice here.

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