Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership
Driving economic growth by showcasing success, highlighting opportunities and inspiring thinking.
Enterprise M3 LEP drives the economic growth of the area by working with businesses, key delivery partners and central government. We translate and signpost opportunities for business and other partners including funding.
Enterprise M3 works as a catalyst within these networks to achieve its vision in four complementary ways:
- We Co-ordinate– Bringing partners together to create improved outcomes through our Programme Management Group and our network of Action Groups.
- We Inform – Communicating what is available from partners through our website and social media, our events and our networks.
- We Advocate – Commissioning evidence and lobby for action from partners or government.
- We Deliver – Carrying out activities ourselves, where this is the best solution.
Visit: enterprisem3.org.uk

Boyle and Summers Logo
Kondor Logo
CLA Logo
PMC Logo
University of Winchester Logo
Hawk Conservancy Trust Logo
Launch Logo
Lymington Harbour Logo
Solent University, Southampton Logo
Vail Williams Logo
Willmott Dixon Logo
NHS West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group Logo
ABP Southampton Logo
Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre Logo
Transport Works Logo
XCX Consulting Logo
Scotscape Logo
Hoburne Bashley Logo
Viridian Logo
Bournemouth University Logo